An article examined the housing benefit system. It said that the objectives of the system had narrowed over time, with much more emphasis being placed on the income maintenance objective and rather less on a wider affordability objective. In the longer term it seemed likely that the system would need to adapt to the growth of tax credits, with which it was not well aligned.
Source: Mark Stephens, 'An assessment of the British housing benefit system': Subtitle, European Journal of Housing Policy, Volume 5 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2005-Dec
A report said that young people on low incomes would continue to face the risk of serious debt and homelessness if planned reforms to housing benefit went ahead unchanged.
Source: Early Days: CAB evidence on the local housing allowance, Citizens Advice (020 7833 2181)
Links: Report | Citizens Advice press release
Date: 2005-Nov
Early findings were published from the evaluation of the local housing allowance pathfinders. Most landlords and agents had made no change to their number of lettings.
Source: Working with the LHA: Landlord and Agents early experiences of the LHA in the nine Pathfinder areas, CDS/Department for Work and Pensions (0113 399 4040)
Links: Report | DWP press release
Date: 2005-Nov
Households spent on average 127 a week on housing-related costs in 2004-05. This included 46 on mortgages; 24 on housing alterations and improvements; 22 on council tax, water charges and other local taxes and service charges; and 14 on rent net of rebates and benefits.
Source: Catherine Gibbins and Georgina Julian (eds.), Family Spending: A report on the 2004-05 Expenditure and Food Survey, Office for National Statistics, Palgrave Macmillan (01256 329242)
Links: Report | ONS press release
Date: 2005-Nov
A briefing paper outlined a strategy for the simplification of housing benefit.
Source: Deborah Gold et al., Housing Benefit Strategy, Shelter (020 7505 4699)
Links: Briefing (pdf)
Date: 2005-Aug
A briefing paper assessed the risks of the government's housing benefit reform agenda, and suggested alternative policy solutions.
Source: Jenny Neuberger and Grainia Long, Housing Benefit, Shelter (020 7505 4699)
Links: Briefing (pdf)
Date: 2005-Aug
Two linked reports said that a new system of housing benefit had boosted financial inclusion. In pathfinder councils testing the local housing allowance, nearly 9 out of 10 tenants received their benefit direct into a bank account, compared to 4 in 10 under the existing system.
Source: Receiving the LHA: Claimants? early experiences of the LHA in the nine Pathfinder areas, Department for Work and Pensions (020 7962 8176) | Working with the LHA: A summary of landlord and agent?s early experiences of the LHA in the nine Pathfinder areas, Department for Work and Pensions
Links: Receiving LHA (pdf) | Working with LHA (pdf) | DWP press release
Date: 2005-Jul
For the first time, more than half of local councils were found to be meeting or beating the target of processing new housing benefit claims in 36 days.
Source: Housing Benefit Administration: Quarterly performance statistics 2004/05 Quarter 4, Department for Work and Pensions (020 7962 8176)
Links: Report (Excel file) | DWP press release
Date: 2005-Jun
A report examined the problems that low-income households faced with council tax, and with the means-tested council tax benefit that was meant to help them. It argued for more generous council tax benefits to remove the disincentives to work and reduce child poverty; for greater harmonization with the income tax and tax credit system; and for administrative improvements to make it easier for working-age households to claim it.
Source: Peter Kenway and Guy Palmer, Making It Fair: Council tax and working households, Local Government Information Unit (020 7554 2800)
Links: Report (pdf) | CPAG press release
Date: 2005-Jun
Researchers found evidence that the single room rent restriction (introduced in October 1996) might have contributed to the difficulties which young housing benefit claimants had had in obtaining accommodation in the private rented sector.
Source: John Harvey and Donald Houston, Research into the Single Room Rent Regulations, Research Report 243, CDS/Department for Work and Pensions (0113 399 4040)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf) | DWP press release
Date: 2005-Jun
The government announced plans (in the Queen's speech) for a Housing Benefit Bill. The Bill would reform the housing benefit system, enabling the introduction of a localized flat rate of housing support paid to tenants rather than landlords - the 'local housing allowance'. It would also provide powers for local authorities to investigate and prosecute fraud against centrally administered benefits.
Source: House of Commons Hansard, Debate 17 May 2005, columns 29-31, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Hansard
Date: 2005-May
A report said that the value of property was linked more closely to income and ability to pay tax than many people thought. For owner-occupiers there was, overall, a clear and positive relationship between household income and property value, with few exceptions.
Source: Michael Orton, Local Taxation, Wealth and Citizenship, Economic and Social Research Council (01793 413000)
Links: Report (pdf) | ESRC press release
Date: 2005-May
Early findings from the evaluation of local housing allowance pathfinders were published. There had been little impact on homelessness levels, threats of eviction, or tenancy terminations.
Source: Delivering the LHA: A summary of the early experiences of implementing the LHA in the nine Pathfinder areas, CDS/Department for Work and Pensions (0113 399 4040)
Links: Report (pdf) | DWP press release (1) | DWP press release (2)
Date: 2005-Apr
The government said that the average council tax per dwelling in England would be 1,009 in 2005-06, compared with 967 in 2004-05 - an increase of 4.3 per cent. This would be the lowest increase in more than 10 years.
Source: Press release 23 March 2005, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (020 7944 3000)
Links: ODPM press release | LGA press release | Guardian report
Date: 2005-Mar
An inspectorate report said that no local authorities were meeting all the criteria relating to the Race Relations Act as set out in performance standards for the administration of housing benefits.
Source: Local Authority Compliance with the Race Relations Act: Update report, Benefit Fraud Inspectorate/Department for Work and Pensions (020 7962 8176)
Links: Report (pdf) | DWP press release
Date: 2005-Mar
A report summarized early experiences of implementing the local housing allowance in nine pathfinder areas. There was no indication that homelessness had increased due to LHA-related financial problems, nor of any increase in evictions or tenancy terminations arising as a result of either direct payment to tenants or increasing rent arrears.
Source: Bruce Walker, Delivering the Local Housing Allowance, CDS (0113 399 4040) for Department for Work and Pensions
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2005-Mar
Local authorities published proposals to improve the council tax benefit system. Reforming the benefit was central to improving the fairness of council tax - it was something that could be done immediately to ease the burden of council tax, without having to wait for broader council tax reform. In particular, out-of-date savings thresholds were so low they excluded many from claiming - particularly pensioners who could miss out despite having only modest savings.
Source: Reforming Council Tax Benefit, Local Government Association (020 7664 3000)
Links: Report (pdf) | LGA press release | Guardian report
Date: 2005-Jan